survive until time runs out, you are awarded an extra ship. ••• Castle Challenge ••• Collect as many bonus coins as you can in the given amount of time while avoiding mines and the castle’s plasma cannon. Each bonus coin is worth 1,000 bonus points. If you awarded an extra ship. Destroying a mine by touching it does not count, and will not yield any bonus points. ••• Mine Challenge ••• Shoot mines to get bonus points: 25 points for the first one, 75 for the second, 125 for the third, and so on, for a maximum of 10,000 points. If you destroy all of the mines, you are during the challenge level. If the ship is destroyed during the challenge level, you don’t lose the ship, although you will lose your extra ship survival bonus. For the challenge level, your ship is stripped of any powerups you may have collected, but any yummies you pick up during the challenge level are added to your ship after the challenge level ends, even if the ship was destroyed Pick this up to play a challenge level when the current level is over. There are two different challenge levels, as described to the right.